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Is FibreStream good for gaming?
Does FibreStream restrict or throttle Internet traffic?
What hardware do I need for FIBRE5000?
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Router Guides
How do I change my wireless name and password (TP-Link)?
How do I change my wireless channel (TP-Link)?
How do I check my router firmware (TP-Link)?
How do I upgrade my router firmware (TP-Link)?
How do I set up custom DNS settings (TP-Link)?
How do I set up port forwarding in my router (TP-Link)?
How do I change my router login password (TP-Link)?
How can I fix a weak encryption error (TP-Link)?
How do I set up parental controls on my router (TP-Link)?
Mercku M6
How do I set-up my new router using the FibreStream app (M6)?
How do I set-up my new router (M6)?
How do I change my wireless name and password (M6)?
How do I change my wireless channel (M6)?
How do I set up custom DNS settings (M6)?
How do I change my encryption type (M6)?
How do I enable Wi-Fi 5 compatibility (M6)?
How do I fix slow wireless Internet?
How can I check the speed of my FibreStream Internet?
Why can't I connect to FibreStream Internet?
Why is my FibreStream wireless Internet slow?
Why is my IPTV service freezing and buffering?
How can I fix a Windows yellow exclamation error?
How do I fix a DNS error?
How can I check if my router or computer is capable of high Internet speeds?
What is an IP address?
What is a VPN?
Why is my FibreStream Internet slow when I'm using a VPN?
What is DNS and how does it work?
What is packet loss?
How can I use the the ping command?
How can I use the traceroute command?
Why isn't my home phone working?
What is the difference between a modem and a router?
Can I use IPv6 with FibreStream?
Does FibreStream assign Canadian IP addresses?
Do I need a wireless range extender?
How do I use my phone features?
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- 9-8-8 and Suicide Prevention
9-8-8 and Suicide Prevention
by FibreStream
The 9-8-8 dialling shortcut for suicide prevention is fully implemented in the United States as of 16 July 2022. But it is not yet implemented in Canada. In the meantime, Canada’s suicide prevention service continues to be available. They can be phoned toll-free at 1-833-456-4566 at all times. From 4 PM to 12 midnight Eastern (1 PM to 9 PM in BC), they also answer texts to the 45645 short code.
Le numéro-raccourci 9-8-8, en matière de prévention du suicide, est disponible aux États-Unis seulement dès le 16 juillet 2022. Il n’est pas encore en oeuvre au Canada. Entre temps, les services équivalent d’ici continuent d’être disponible en tout temps au téléphone, sans frais, en composant le 1-833-456-4566. Entre 16h et minuit, heure l’Est (en C.-B., de 13h à 21h), ils répondent également aux messages textes au numéro abrégé 45645.