What is DNS and how does it work?
by FibreStream
DNS (Domain Name Server) resolves or finds the IP addresses of web domains on the Internet.
When we look things up on the Internet (websites or servers), we’re really looking for website or server IP addresses. DNS finds the IP address of the site or domain entered into your browser (for example, Google.ca) and directs your computer or device to that location.
DNS maps numbered IP addresses to domains by first seeking name servers, which are like a series of filing cabinets that store IP addresses.
These digital “filing cabinets” are categorized into different types. The first type is a Root name server that holds TLDs, or Top Level Domains. TLDs have three letters after the website dot that are likely familiar to you ‒ com, for instance, or net, or org.
Within each TLD are further name servers, called authoritative name servers. These are the name servers that store the information about who is the “boss” of a domain ‒ the DNS provider or the DNS registrar. The DNS provider or registrar contains the records about the IP addresses of its domains.
When you type a domain name into your browser, your browser will first ask your Internet Service Provider (ISP) if it has that domain’s records saved in their system. If it’s a really common domain ‒ Google, for example, or YouTube ‒ it will. If not, the ISP will go to the root name servers for the TLD (com, net, etc) for that domain. The TLD will then point to the DNS provider for the actual IP address, and without you being aware of any of it, you’re at the domain you requested just as soon as you enter its name.
FibreStream uses Google DNS by default ( and, but you are free to use your own DNS.
Custom DNS settings are typically applied statically on your router or network device (phone, tablet, computer). You can find a guide on how to do this with your FibreStream router here.